José Ramón Álvarez-Rendueles 18/06/2012 11:39

Born in Gijón (Asturias), José Ramón holds a Ph.D. in Economics, with honors, and Law degree from the University Complutense of Madrid. In 1964 he joined the

“Technical Salesforce and Economists of the State” and he is University professor since 1973.

His activity within the public sector should include the following:

- State Economist in the Ministry of Agriculture

- Chief of the Research Bureau for the Development Plan Office

- Director of the Economic Development Institute

- General Secretary of the Treasury Department

- Undersecretary of Financial Economics

- Secretary of State for Economic Affairs

- Bank of Spain Governor

- Alternate Governor for Spain in the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

In the private sector he has held the following positions:

- Deputy Director of Studies of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks

- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Juliana Constructora Gijonesa de

Caudal, S.A.

- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Financiera Reunida S.A.

- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banco Zaragozano

- Member of the Board of Directors of Uninsa, Ensidesa, Hunosa, Urbis, Foreing Bank of Spain, Dragados y Construcciones, Hispano Olivetti, Iberduero, Mare

Nostrum, Portland Valderrivas, Aristraín, Grucysa, Cofipsa, Duro Felguera, Arbed and Aceralia.

He is Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universidad Santa María in Caracas, and also Executive Trustee of the Príncipe de Asturias Foundation, Pro Royal Spanish

Academy, the Center of Monetary and Financial Studies (Bank of Spain), of the University Pontificia of Salamanca, of the University Complutense of Madrid, Sanitas

and the Queen's Chamber Orchestra Sofia. In addition he is a member of the Association of Economists and the Bar Association of Madrid and member of the

Royal Economic Society.

Academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences from Barcelona.