Born in Rosario, Argentina, she holds a degree in Business Administration from Catholic University of Buenos Aires. She’s completed a Senior Manager Program at IESE Business School, University of Navarra.
Helena collaborates with several institutions as Foundation Isaac Albeniz.
In addition, she’s a member of the Governing Board of “Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía”, the Foundation “Príncipe de Asturias” and a member of The
International Advisory Council of IESE Business School.
Her professional performance has been recognized with the “Juan Lladó” award (most prestigious award granted in Spain concerning cultural patronage and
research, issued by IE and Foundation Ortega y Gasset), with the Gold Medal of the Senior Management Forum or the Trophy “Ramón Borredá”
She is currently a member of the following Boards of Directors:
- Chairman of Prosegur
- Independent Director of Banco Popular
- Chairman of Eurofórum
- Chairman of Foundation Prosegur